Title: Ascension
Genre: Psychological Drama / Supernatural Mystery
Logline: “Ascension” follows a dedicated psychiatrist as she grapples with a patient who believes he’s Jesus, leading to an intense battle between science and faith. When the patient’s condition takes a baffling turn and defies medical explanation, it challenges her beliefs and perception of reality, ultimately crossing the line between the rational and the supernatural.
Synopsis: “Ascension” delves into the intricate interplay between science, spirituality, and the human mind, as a psychiatrist finds herself entangled in a perplexing case that defies conventional understanding.
Act 1:
Dr. Emily Holloway, a seasoned psychiatrist, is introduced to her new patient, John, who firmly believes he is Jesus Christ. Despite her efforts, John’s condition deteriorates, and he becomes increasingly convinced of his divine identity. Conventional treatments, including medication and hospitalizations, prove futile, leaving Dr. Holloway frustrated and desperate for a breakthrough.
As Dr. Holloway delves deeper into John’s case, she becomes consumed by the blurred line between mental illness and spiritual experiences. Her skepticism is challenged by the enigmatic nature of John’s delusions, and she is haunted by her inability to alleviate his suffering.
Act 2:
Driven to a desperate act of faith, John embarks on a dangerous 40-day fast, mirroring the biblical story of Jesus’ own fasting in the desert. Despite medical intervention and force-feeding attempts, John’s body deteriorates rapidly, defying the laws of nature. As his condition reaches a critical point, Dr. Holloway prepares John’s family for the worst, believing he has only hours left to live.
In a shocking twist, John mysteriously disappears from his hospital bed, leaving everyone baffled. Dr. Holloway is haunted by doubts about her ability to understand the complexities of the human mind and the possibility of an existence beyond what science can explain.
Act 3:
As Dr. Holloway grapples with the unexplainable disappearance, she becomes engrossed in media coverage of a miraculous event. The news reports show a figure descending from the sky, surrounded by radiant light and angelic beings. To her astonishment, she recognizes the figure as John.
The film concludes with a profound revelation that challenges Dr. Holloway’s preconceptions. She is forced to confront a startling cognitive dissonance at the possibility that there are forces at play beyond the realm of science. “Ascension” raises thought-provoking questions about the limits of human understanding, the mysteries of faith, and the profound impact of perception on reality.